Not all Christmas games have to be for children, or have to be serious. Good gracious, adults
like to let their hair down and have a good, silly time too. Here are several games to get you started.
1.) For a group that's not afraid of looking silly,
here's just the perfect game. Provide a pair of pantyhose for each team and a total of 8 balloons.
To make this game fair, the teams should be of equal number and
the pantyhose not a petite size.
When the game begins, the team should begin blowing up the balloons
and the inflated balloons have to be put into the legs of the pantyhose.
The game ends when someone gets all their balloons into the legs
of the pantyhose, "wears" the antlers and sings the first verse of "Jingle Bells"....
Be sure to make everyone finish the game, however, so you can
get a great picture of everyone in his or her pantyhose antlers.
2.) For a fun
relay-type Christmas party game, how about making a Santa beard?
Make a big bowl of cotton balls and get a container of Vaseline.
Put some Vaseline on the chins of each member of each team (ideally, 2 teams of about 5 people each).
The first players in line run to the bowl of cotton balls and
stick their chins in, trying to get as many to stick to the Vaseline as possible. They run to the back of their line, so the
next players can have a turn.
When everyone on a team has a beard, that team wins.
As with the other game, be sure to take lots of pictures of everyone
wearing their Santa beards. Also have plenty of towels and water to get the Vaseline off.
3.) This next
Christmas game is great for a smaller group of people who are open to a more quiet game. This is about packing Santa's bag.
You start by saying, "I packed Santa's bag and in it I put pajamas."
The next person continues with, "I packed Santa's bag and in it I put pajamas, and toilet paper."
Each person continues, each time adding a new item, but also listing
the items that were added before. You are out of the game when you miss an item.
Someone could be sitting outside the game keeping a list of all
the items so if the game goes on for a bit, you will know if someone misses an item.
4.) If you're
having a holiday party for adults, why not offer up a fun Christmas game that's sure to remind them of a childhood favorite?
Create a Christmas scavenger hunt.
You will tell people to create teams (about 4 people per team
is adequate, but you might want to have larger or smaller teams depending on the size of your party). Make a list of items
they need to return with.
If you choose to keep the searching local, either at your home
or in the neighborhood, include items like a miniature light string, a piece of holly, a leaf off a poinsettia plant, and
the like.
If you choose to have guests traipse all over town for items,
you can have even more fun. You might require them to purchase a holly-decorated box of tissue, or have them provide photo
proof that they went down your city's Christmas Tree Lane. Whatever it is, be creative and enjoy the process.
People love this game, not only because it reminds them of childhood,
but it helps people get to know other party guests they might know that well and it's a game that gets people working together,
which can always be fun.
5.) Everyone
enjoys Hershey's Chocolate Kisses at Christmas. For this Christmas party game, divide your group into two teams and have two
bowls of Hershey's kisses at the other end of the room.
Give each team one set of oversized mittens or gloves. The first
person in line runs to the bowl of kisses, and has to unwrap the kiss while wearing the oversized mittens/gloves and pop the
kiss into their mouth.
They run back, tag the next person in line, and exchange the mittens/gloves
and the next person runs forward to get a chocolate kiss. The winning team is the one in which all members have enjoyed a
kiss first....