When many people think about the holidays, there is usually some memory that involves
food. So, what better way to create holiday memories with young children then by making Christmas sugar cookies together?
Children as young as toddlers can help make
sugar cookies. It doesn’t matter if they help stir, roll, cut, or ice -- they can help!
And, if you are just not that great a baker OR find yourself short of time, simply
buy a roll of ready to bake sugar cookie dough from the store -- and remain feeling guilt free about it because the kids won’t
remember how the dough got created or whether the cookies were special shapes or round as much as they’ll remember the
fun of decorating the cookies and eating them!
fact, maybe I was too much of a perfectionist, but I have memories of being very frustrated with trying to make cookie cut-outs
as a child -- they just were too hard to get right and the dough always broke, etc.!)
Whichever way you go and the cookies are on the cookie sheets, it can then be as simple as
providing an assortment of Christmas-colored sugars, and sprinkles and letting them go to town with decorating the cookies
before baking them. Or, you can bake them first and then add cookie icing before adding the other decorations.
Not only is this a fun “messy” activity that your little
ones are sure to enjoy, but it has a yummy ending as you all get to eat the cookies when finished. Oh, and remember how good
your house will smell, too!
And, unless you eat them
all first -- you can even give away some of these cookies that have been personally decorated with fun and love as gifts!