One fun and funny twist you can add to any type of Christmas
holiday party is to make it an "Ugly Christmas Sweater" party!
Bells, baubles, pom-poms, appliqués, glitter, and glitz are the perfect
adornments for Ugly Christmas Sweaters -- the more tacky, outlandish, horrendous, and outrageous, the better!
Though some see it as a silly holiday party tradition, picking the ugliest
Christmas sweater available is absolutely mandatory. Just be careful, because if the chosen sweater has potential to be worn
again and is only marginally ugly, people may actually think you enjoy this sweater as a serious and integral part
of your wardrobe.
NOBODY should EVER be mistaken for SERIOUS in an Ugly Christmas Sweater!
Also, there should NEVER be anything CUTE about an Ugly Christmas
Sweater. It completely defeats the purpose of trying to buy something that’s ugly.
Since these parties have been becoming more and more popular, the sweaters
are becoming more and more difficult to find. The best places to find an ugly sweater are usually places where you can get
them for free: Grandma or Grandpa’s closet. If your grandparents don’t have any lying around, I would be willing
to bet they had them at one point.
And where do all clothes go to die and be reborn? Thrift stores. Sweaters
are dumped off by the dozens at thrift stores and they’re a lot less expensive than buying one from a department store.
If you live in the city and all the thrift stores have already been picked over, small-town thrift stores may be more
likely to still have some Ugly Christmas Sweaters in stock!